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New Workers Compensation Certificate of Capacity for Tasmania
WorkSafe Tasmania advises that doctors should now be using the new Workers Compensation Certificate of Capacity. It has been imported into the supplied templates of Best Practice and Medical Director software to replace the two previous workers compensation certificates for Tasmania and is also available as a PDF from the WorkSafe Tasmania website. Find out more: Information for Medical Practices: New Workers Compensation Certificate of Capacity
PTSD training for Tasmanian GPs
The WorkCover Tasmania Board has launched new PTSD training for general practitioners developed by Phoenix Australia. The training is accredited by the RACGP. The training provides information to assist with recognising PTSD and the spectrum of trauma-related mental health disorders; implementing evidence-based assessment practices; and managing a range of trauma-related presentations, including implementation of best-practice pharmacotherapy.
Read more about the training here.
View upcoming networking events in Tasmania.