Education and Networking

Modern practices today face huge challenges to perform effectively and more efficiently while dealing with a health environment characterised by increasing change and government regulation. AAPM offers a number of exciting events throughout the year to assist in all areas of Practice Management, with a focus on the Core Principles of Practice Management.

Don't miss these opportunities to build your skills, increase your knowledge and network with healthcare professionals!

AAPM members: Log in to the website to purchase and register so your registration and CPD points are automatically added to your membership details, and to receive the member discount.


AAPM Educare

Throughout the year, AAPM hosts a number of educational activities, for which both members and non-members are able to register. Each education activity provides opportunities to learn from industry experts and other Practice Managers as well as connecting with your colleagues and peers.

AAPM education events are held both face to face and via the online Webinar Series. The Webinar Series offers members and non-members the opportunity to join a series of one-hour online activities that you can watch anywhere and anytime. 

AAPM networking

Local networking meetings provide an opportunity to connect with like-minded Practice Managers to share ideas, experiences, and to provide and seek support. 


Online learning

AAPM offers online learning for members and non-members alike. Supported via a government grant, these online learning modules provide a basic overview of the skills and areas of knowledge required to manage a healthcare practice successfully.

External events

Part of AAPM's professional development program is the allocation of CPD points. AAPM has extended this service to external educational programs to allow AAPM members to account for their participation in such courses.



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