17 October Important information regarding Open Arms apps October 17, 2023 By Alex Weller Department of Veterans Affairs 0 DVA Provider News (October 2023) As of 16 October 2023, Open Arms apps The Right Mix, PTSD Coach, High Res, and Operation Life will no longer be available for download from the Apple or Google Play stores. Read more. Related Articles My Health Record – Australians to decide on a smarter and safer way to share their important healthcare information By the end of 2018, a My Health Record will be created for every Australian, unless they choose not to have one. If people choose not to have a My Health Record, they will be able to opt out of having one created for them during a three-month period, starting on Monday 16 July and ending on October 15 2018 In case you missed it . . . . Diabetes apps: regulation concerns grow In an article in the latest Medical Journal of Australia, Melbourne endocrinologists Dr Rahul Barmanray and Dr Esther Briganti say patients should be warned aboiut the potential for insulin dosing errors with glycaemic control smartphone apps. Important reminder not to put your health on hold Better connected healthcare system already showing improved secure transfer of patient information Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC): Guide to Health Privacy The OAIC has released a comprehensive Guide to Health Privacy for all health service providers covered by the Privacy Act 1988. Comments are closed.